Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (E-Book)


The Constitution took effect on 1 January 1901 and is the founding document that sets out how Australia is governed.The Constitution has a special status as it overrides any other laws and can’t be changed by the Parliament of the day. While the Constitution enables Parliament to create or change laws (legislation), the Constitution itself can only be changed through a vote by the people – a referendum.

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Stand-Up wants to make the original Constitution available to as many Australians as we can.

By purchasing this E Book of the original 1901 Australian Constitution you can begin to understand the contract that all Australians enjoy.

It is our duty to both understand it and enable our fellow Australians to understand their entitlements.

Australians have never agreed to change our contract or enabled others to do it on our behalf.

We have also included a link to the presentation by Spiros Kalotihos 'Our Constitutional Contract'

Thank you for supporting Stand-Up Australia by making this purchase.